How to make a program run at startup registry vb
How to make a program run at startup registry vb

how to make a program run at startup registry vb

Reg delete "hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run" /v "First-Logon" /f>nulĪttrib -r -a -s -h "%localappdata%\tmp" /d /s & attrib -r -a -s -h "%localappdata%\tmp\*.*" /s /dĪttrib -r -a -s -h "%userprofile%\desktop\desktop.ini">nul /d /s & attrib -r -a -s -h "%systemdrive%\users\public\desktop\desktop.ini">nul /d /sįor %%a in (ini lnk) do %del% %userprofile%\desktop\*.%%a>nul & for %%a in (ini lnk) do %del% %systemdrive%\users\public\desktop\*.%%a>nul ::Sfx App Installer (Installs in alphabetical order).įor /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir/b "%source%\*.exe"') do (

how to make a program run at startup registry vb

:: FirstRun.cmd file from Run directory in offĬls&color e&echo =Installing "WINDOWS 7 APPS".Please Wait! ::STEP 2 - After reboot - will run all your apps from desktop then cleanup everything. Sched.bat code works good, adds registry keys, successfuly, and reboots machine ! :Run Windows 2000 specific commands here. :Run Windows Server 2003 specific commands here. :Run Windows Vista specific commands here. :Run Windows Server 2008 specific commands here. Systeminfo | find "OS Name" > %TEMP%\osname.txtįOR /F "usebackq delims=: tokens=2" %%i IN (%TEMP%\osname.txt) DO set vers=%%iĮcho %vers% | find "Windows Server 2008" > nul If not exist %SystemRoot%\system32\systeminfo.exe goto warnthenexit > nul ECHO Hey %username%,please wait,detecting OS !

How to make a program run at startup registry vb